Antonieta's Garden
Antonieta, my brand, and I as a person have grown step by step over the years, just like this wonderful illustration that I have meticulously crafted, flower by flower. Meanwhile, my personal garden has also flourished gradually.
Every stroke tells a unique story, every hue reflects an emotion that comes to life with watercolors. Do you want to witness this process? Don’t miss a single detail!
In Antonieta’s Garden, every flower tells a story, and each story has a special meaning. Follow me to see more and join me on this exciting journey of self-love and growth.
Mit Aquarellfarben illustriert
hochwertigen, naturweißes und ECO-Naturpapier von 350gr
500x700 mm
Rahmen inkludiert.
Große mit Rahmen 700x1000m
€ 1.850,00Preis
inkl. USt
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